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A song that breaks your heart Music 

A song that breaks your heart

The weather is hot and America is in shambles. For Day 27– a song that breaks your heart, I chose a song that isn't as heartbreaking as the fact that the world looks all too similar to the way it did when this song was penned.

While I grew up in a house filled with R&B and funk, my fascination with hip-hop emerged somewhere around the 5th grade. One of my friends had an older brother who blasted lots of New York rap. She would come to school and tell me about it, and I would do my best to get it through my 10 CDs for 10 cents subscription.

One of those CD's was Mase Presents: Harlem World. The last song on the album was the Harlem Boys Choir singing today's pick, "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke.

The song is filled with soul and the pain of feeling "othered" in America. Many of us who work in corporate America, hang out at hipster bars, or who just like to shop for decent produce can identify with the lyrics to this song. We can only hold on to the belief that a change will come. This song is one of hope, but the fact that we can still sing it with truth and conviction, breaks my heart.

Is there a song that makes you feel this way? Comment and let me know which one cuts so deep that it breaks your heart.

Also, check back tomorrow for Day 26 of the 30-Day Music Challenge: A song that makes you want to fall in love.

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